Copyright © Mary A Whalen, DC. All rights reserved.
Currently accepting new patients!
Whalen Chiropractic Clinic, PC 3932 John F. Kennedy Pkwy, Suite 10F Fort Collins, CO
Mailing address: PO Box 270646 Fort Collins CO 80527
ph: (970) 493-7340
Do you value your health – feeling pain free and able to move, hike, bike or read a book without pain?
We can help.
Do you value telling your story, your puzzles, your ideas and solutions and having someone listen?
We listen.
Do you value feeling safe, calm and peaceful in an environment that is soothing?
We have that.
Do you value learning to help yourself?
We can teach you.
Do you value knowing this community has many great resources which can help you on your journey to wellness?
We know many of those folks and will gladly support you in getting what you need for optimum wellness.
Do you value working together with a practitioner who acknowledges the wisdom of your body, listens to it, and treats what is to be addressed that day for your health?
We do this.
If these make sense to you, we are here to be of service. We believe each person has their own healing style. A safe environment where you receive and participate in an individualized treatment program for symptom reduction and wellness nurturing are what we are about. We value being of service to you and your unique journey.